Sunday, December 02, 2007

DC's Cartoon Cartoons #14 Splash Page

I've only drawn one or two splash pages for DC, and this is one of them. I'm still pretty happy with it, after all these years. Which I was trying to figure out, and can't. I want to say I drew it in 2001, but it was probably the summer of 2002. Anyway, It's far better than some SGC2C pages I drew years later, and that's probably due to the fact that this was the ONLY thing I was working on during that time. I got up and worked on it all day and into the evening, everyday, for about a month. I was happier than a pig in $h!t, especially because drawing comics was not my main profession. Every once in a while my freelance schedule will align just right, and I'll get to take my time on some pages. I've got this one up on my wall. As I say all the time on this blog, I sure miss drawing these characters.