Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Space Ghost Rules

This will probably be the last post of 2006. But, there will be plenty more next year! I'll be visiting friends and family for the rest of December. It's been really fun blogging for the first time. This blog began January 21st, 2006, with postings through most of the year. There's a ton of work from my [adult swim] years that is now on the Internet for the most geekiest of fans to hunt down. I've really enjoyed looking at all this old stuff. With the year in review in mind, I thought I'd end it with the current theme that's been running through this blog, which is ole Space Ghost. It seems appropriate since SGC2C was my first job in the cartoon show biz. Here's a quick sketch that I tied down with marker, probably in 1999. Not a perfect drawing, but I like it anyway. Happy New Year! I'm headin' South!

1 comment:

Silvolf said...

Hope you have a great Christmas and a prosperous New year too!
The Space Ghost picture is very funny, it made me laugh ^_^